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Monday, August 29, 2005

If the Law Is an Ass, the Law Professor Is a Donkey

I could not ass-oops-pass this up. I got this title and article from the New York Times Sunday edition. Take a look at the whole article - it's sickening: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/28/weekinreview/28liptak.html?adxnnl=1&adxnnlx=1125354215-N/wXLefrbaF0Q5h00V6lGA

"The study, to be published this fall in The Georgetown Law Journal, analyzes 11 years of records reflecting federal campaign contributions by professors at the top 21 law schools as ranked by U.S. News & World Report. Almost a third of these law professors contribute to campaigns, but of them, the study finds, 81 percent who contributed $200 or more gave wholly or mostly to Democrats; 15 percent gave wholly or mostly to Republicans... When the United States Supreme Court endorsed race-conscious admissions policies in 2003, it based its decision on the importance of ensuring the representation of diverse viewpoints in the classroom. Law schools that take race into account in admissions decisions, the study says, "open themselves to charges of intellectual inconsistency" if they do not also address the ideological imbalances on their faculties". The percentages of professors contributing to Democrats were even more lopsided at some of the most prestigious schools: 91 percent at Harvard, 92 at Yale, 94 at Stanford. At the University of Virginia, on the other hand, contributions were about evenly divided between the parties. The sample sizes at some schools may be too small to allow for comparisons, though it bears noting that by this measure the University of Chicago is slightly more liberal than Berkeley."

No wonder lawyers are the the first group to get rounded up in a Left or Right Wing Coup d'Etat

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